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小師姐大電影 2023-08-31 22:05:11
十大禁播韓國電影 2023-08-31 22:05:02
一個外國電影木瓜 2023-08-31 22:04:55


發布時間: 2023-08-31 18:22:09

A. 跪求高分俄羅斯電影,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源

劇名:莫斯科不相信眼淚 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1n8ZmD_bPemF8bV3Z3sxbKw 提取碼:pdki
劇名:這里的黎明靜悄悄 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1vscHDc_1truAu2N6FDBwwg 提取碼:bpfz
劇名:雁南飛 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1DuW-QOyz0uPXirNmASfeug 提取碼:1234
劇名:無愛可訴 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1Si1m56Vppkye-m_x1kku6g 提取碼:edmj
劇名:無聲言證 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1zlTFZzxFGkJeeAu-DlnTsQ 提取碼:f05g
劇名:回歸 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1XjJ7KndDps88EFpLRDPUVQ 提取碼:1234
劇名:女狙擊手 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/18lo092mYJUGiUqJjpa6a2g 提取碼:cjkq
劇名:守日人 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1EKFP9oyroG7K8BaYz7wV5g 提取碼:mtx8
劇名:火海凌雲 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1-F9MDurMhvosnpQk5m4j9g 提取碼:6qzq
劇名:俄羅斯方舟 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1uiUC5axPcQP9fYH99YTGJQ 提取碼:319h
劇名:兩個人的車站 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1j8txl37464E_3fJgIvlbgQ 提取碼:9zbo
劇名:鏡子 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1dAO6zpOimIose8K7XtX5fw 提取碼:1234
劇名:利維坦 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1Ny0fhJmlr7iMPmZsJsvpfA 提取碼:1234
劇名:花滑女王 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1hEEEzrKeZyvx_JxDewbm3w 提取碼:6xk5
劇名:戰艦波將金號 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/16h_gHT93FW8g7RmcTJX5Og 提取碼:cequ
劇名:最後一站 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/10WeE9yWyY0yzd77hTUN50Q 提取碼:nb4f
劇名:飛向太空 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:https://pan..com/s/15XA-imfiD7vaoWiHWvJ2iw 提取碼:zw8f

B. 跪求好心人分享寒冬旅程2013年上映的由Aleksei Frandetti主演的免費高清百度雲資源


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1ZanwSFxNoH4aO7eQaGrvgA



C. 求 迪亞特洛夫事件 百度網盤免費資源下載鏈接,謝謝




D. 二戰電影濃霧哪裡看完整版


E. 極限挑戰全4季 百度雲盤下載


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1651X0Ao3XEHYFfHVhkxEgg



F. 《寒冬旅程》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/15p0Z504cqcO5qj8IEhPE2Q

?pwd=w9bv 提取碼: w9bv
導演: Lubov Lvova、Sergey Taramaev
編劇: Sergey Taramaev
主演: Aleksei Frandetti、Evgeniy Tkachuk
類型: 劇情、同性
製片國家/地區: 俄羅斯
語言: 俄語
上映日期: 2014-02-12
片長: 90分鍾
又名: Zimniy Put、Winter Journey、冬之旅
Two young men from opposite sides of the socioeconomic spectrum embark on a dangerous course of self-destructive behavior in this striking and brave Russian drama. Eric is a classical singer and pianist practicing for an important audition.
On the bus one day, he encounters the volatile Lyokha, who is subsequently arrested by a pair of police officers and taken into custody. For much of the film, their stories play out in parallel, with Eric spending his time rehearsing sublime Schubert lieder, passing time with his wealthy but dissolute mentor, Slava, and imbibing liters of vodka from a corner store, while Lyokha is causing trouble with almost everyone he encounters. The two meet up again one evening among a group of Eric』s friends, one of whom is his presumed boyfriend, and Lyokha proceeds to antagonize almost everyone assembled with boorish behavior and homophobic diatribes. Despite Lyokha』s cretinous conct, the singer is drawn to the animalistic boy and gives him a place to stay. Where the relationship, and the film, proceeds from here is unexpected, moving, sometimes surreal, and always surprising. Coming from a culture in which being gay has recently become perilously difficult, Winter Journey feels like an urgent and brilliantly acted missive, portraying an existence where violence, alcohol, and drugs provide necessary escape and love seems next to impossible.