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小師姐大電影 2023-08-31 22:05:11
十大禁播韓國電影 2023-08-31 22:05:02
一個外國電影木瓜 2023-08-31 22:04:55


發布時間: 2022-11-29 05:51:45

① 木村拓哉身高







② 木村拓哉身高



木村拓哉(きむら たくや),1972年11月13日出生於日本東京都,日本演員、歌手、聲優,男子組合SMAP全活動時期(1988年-2016年)的成員之一,隸屬於傑尼斯事務所。

1987年,加入傑尼斯事務所,1988年,組成SMAP組合,並於1991年憑借發行單曲《Can't Stop!! -LOVING-》正式出道。1994年,出演電視劇《愛情白皮書》而受到好評,同年憑借電影《足球風雲》獲日本奧斯卡金像獎最佳新人獎。

1996年,主演愛情劇《悠長假期》的最高瞬間收視率為43.8%而創下紀錄;2000年,主演愛情劇《美麗人生》的最高單集收視率為41.3%而創下紀錄 ;同年,與歌手工藤靜香結婚。

2001年,主演的刑事劇《HERO》成為民放日劇史上唯一一部每集收視率均超過30%的電視劇 ;2008年,在雜志《anan》舉辦的最受歡迎男性排行榜中,連續15年獲得第一名 。2011年,主演TBS電視台創立60周年紀念電視劇《南極大陸》;2015年7月,再度與松隆子合作,主演電影《HERO》。

2016年12月31日,其所在組合SMAP正式解散 ,木村成為單飛藝人。2017年12月,在PS4游戲《審判之眼:死神的遺言》中擔任主角的CG形象以及為該角色全程配音 。

2019年1月,主演改編自東野圭吾小說的懸疑電影《假面飯店》。2019年9月29日,在自己的收音廣播節目《木村拓哉 Flow supported by GYAO!》中,宣布將作為歌手展開活動。2020年1月8日,發行個人首張專輯《Go with the Flow》 。




③ 有一部外國關於恐龍的動畫電影歌曲

People - Kye Kye

I saw'love without a niche please
Help me help me
Silent crave to have
Childish peace while weary things
Haunt me haunt me
Like falling in my sleep

People its taking forever
I』ve tried to connect with her
But now she's gone
Priceless is what draws attention
What kind of affection is making a mark with us

Strained love lost fire
Missed mark a hurried pace wont frame
Anything to last
People its taking forever
I』ve tried to connect with her
But now she's gone
Priceless is what draws attention
What kind of affection is making a mark with us

They see my heart they keep away

They see my heart
They keep away

They see my heart
They keep away

They see my heart
They keep away

People its taking forever
I』ve tried to connect with her
But now she's gone
Priceless is what draws attention
What kind of affection is making a mark with us

④ 《香奈兒》電影中的女主角真實姓名是什麼

姓名:Audrey Tautou
譯名:奧黛麗·塔圖 、奧德麗·多杜
• 藝術先鋒香奈爾 Coco avant Chanel (2008)
• 只要在一起 Ensemble, c'est tout (2007)
• 達芬奇密碼 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
• 真愛無價 Priceless (2006)
• 美麗壞東西 Dirty Pretty Things (2003)
• 天使愛過界 He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not (2002)
• 天使艾米麗/天使愛美麗 Amelie from Montmartre (2001)
• 漫長的婚約 A Very Long Engagement(2005

⑤ pricelessbeauty什麼意思

Priceless Beauty
麻雀變鳳凰; [電影]無價的愛;

Scenic areas in China have advantaged natural conditions, special historical cultural background and abundant historical sites, which combine natural beauty with cultural beauty. They are human priceless treasure and spiritual sustenance.

⑥ 跪求電影<泰坦尼克號>電影簡介的中英文對照



On April 15, 1912, loaded with passengers, 1316th and 891 crew on board the luxury liner ", Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sank, the shipwreck is considered a 20th century one of the top ten disasters in the world. In 1985, ", Titanic" remains of sunken ships two and a half miles of the submarine was found in the North Atlantic. United States Explorer Mr Lovett personally into the submarine saw a picture on the wall of the cabin, Los maintained the discovery immediately attracted the attention of an old woman. Is already 102 years old rose claims that she is the girl in the picture, in diving in the hold, rose began to describe her story of the year. April 10, 1912, known as the "miracle on the instrial history of the world" ", Titanic" from the United Kingdom

Southampton start towards United States New York. Rich girls rose on Board together with the mother and her fiancé Carl, on the other side, an unruly young painter Jack gambling win over against the pier to the ticket. See that Carl is a real snob rose early, from the bottom is unwilling to marry him, even going to touhai killed herself. Critical moment, Jack a teenage rose cling, two young men have known each other. To resolve teenage hearts of sorrow, Jack where happy with rose has come to life. Soon, the beautiful rose Jack fell in love with the handsome, cheerful and lively, Ross took off his clothes, put on Carl sent her "heart of the ocean" necklace, allows Jack to her portrait, to witness of their love. When a beautiful love story is played out, the ",Titanic" has hit the iceberg. Extremely brutal tragedy started this prelude, ", Titanic" in an instant on becomes a mess, in the midst of critical, good and evil in human nature, noble and mean more defined. Jack had the chance to live a lover Ruth, himself is alive in the binghai freezing. Swollen rose up after this love story moved heaven and Earth, priceless the series "the heart of the ocean" sank into the sea, let it stay with Jack and this love buried Harbour.

⑦ PRICELESS第10集什麼時候出來


⑧ 求一篇外國電影《外星人et》 的英文影評

《外星人et》 的英文影評:

What is love, love is through all the obstacles, let a person get happiness and joy of good channel。


I sit at my window, heart can't be calm once, the story finished debunked, but also ripples in mind。


This is a science fiction films, elliot is an illusion, the little boy often fantasize that fantasy have aliens exist。


ET, who was one of the earth was kind of aliens, but full of love, he found little elliot saved。

Et 是地球上的一個外星人,但是充滿了愛,他發現小 elliot 得救了。

ET, everyday, friendship and love to take care of him to their hearts of bridge tightly together。


although language cannot communicate very well, but their feelings beyond all together, Although appearance has so big difference。


but have a docile and purity of heart, between them has established a wonderful telepathy, they became best friends。


He remembered the boy and ET live together in good time, they were so happy and happy。


What makes them together, become good friends?


I think this is the power of love, elliot with that kind of love, care the helpless ET, concerned with ET understanding。
